Deep-Pocketed Liberal Nonprofit Is Propping Up Pro-Hamas Activists

A major left-of-center nonprofit is providing support to several groups that have justified Hamas’ attacks on Israeli civilians or accused Israel of genocide.

The Tides Center provides fiscal sponsorship to several groups expressing support for Palestinian terrorists and accusing Israel of human rights abuses. Several groups supported by Tides praised Hamas, saying they “breached the apartheid wall that has imprisoned them for over 16 years, separating them from their land, their loved ones, their holy sites” and have organized protests over the genocide they claim the Israeli government is carrying out.

Fiscal sponsorship is “a process in which a sponsor organization is paid to act as an umbrella under which new center-left political groups may fundraise and operate prior to achieving recognition of tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), at which point they’re often spun off into standalone nonprofits,” according to Influence Watch.

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