'Creepy Porn Lawyer' Has NO Sense of Irony

In light of Empire actor Jussie Smollett’s alleged assault against him coming out as all but total bogus, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti has come out of the woodwork to apologize for jumping to conclusions.
“If true, many of us, me included, owe apologies related to this bogus fiasco. This does serious damage to the cause of those who actually experience legitimate attacks,” he posted on Twitter on Saturday, Feb 16.

Avenatti was a major proponent of the smear campaign against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. He had taken in a client by the name of Julie Swetnik, who accused Kavanaugh of drugging and gang-raping her, and many others, at a party. To this day, she has completely failed to produce any evidence of such a crime.
The irony was not lost on anyone. Other Twitter users suggested he apologize to Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump, to which he replied:

“I don’t owe either any apology. I’ll apologize to Kavanaugh when a full investigation into Julie’s claims is done (it will never happen) and her claims are found to be bogus (likewise will never happen because they are true). Why not investigate if they claim they are so bogus?”

If it weren’t for double standards, the Left would have none.
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