Come All The Way Up

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

I strongly advise you to turn solely to the online Alternative Media for your news and commentary. 

And today, I am going to give you a very timely example of exactly why that is so vitally important, thoroughly informative -- and, in fact, entirely enjoyable. 

With the online Alternative Media, you get honest forthright opinion -- rather than bigoted, biased bilge poorly pawned off as “news.”

You get thoughtful, dispassionate commentary – rather than ranting, raving screeds foisted upon you by pompous, primping overpaid talking heads.

And you get the chance to offer your own opinion in open forums – rather than being dictated to and looked down upon as uninformed peonage. 

Refreshing, isn’t it?

And just to prove the point, today I will take you to an actual online Alternative Media forum – the very one I happen to value most.

And one I have a feeling you might start turning to often. 

It is called Free Republic. 

I urge you to go there at the top of every morning and throughout the day…

To find out what is really going on – 

And to voice your own very important opinion as a leading Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot!

Here is an actual FR thread from early this morning -- about tonight’s pivotal debate -- that I think you will find informative, fascinating – and thoroughly enjoyable --

Whether you agree with the poster, or the vast majority of those who comment. 

Now, I think you can see why I so strongly urge you to focus only and always on the online Alternative Media, can’t you?

You get honest opinion, a robust commentary, and your own views are eagerly sought. 

So, if you are still in any way tied to the old authoritarian mainstream media, I urge you to make the switch now. 

Or, as they used to say in the old Kool cigarette commercials of yore:

“Come up…

Come all the way up!”

You’ll be glad you did!

Stay strong!

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