Callous Joe Biden

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

From time to time, when I was Director of Communications for the Senate Majority, I had the misfortune of having had to work with Joe Biden.

One day, when Biden had walked into a meeting, disrupted the proceedings, obtrusively glad-handed everybody, and then tried (as usual) to make everything about him, a great old, now-deceased southern senator leaned over and whispered to me, “That there is the most selfish man in the entire Senate – and that’s saying something, son.”

As the outstanding article by New York Post columnist Kristen Fleming astutely chronicles, Joe Biden’s callous disregard for the tragic victims of the fiery inferno in Maui is nothing new for this self-indulgent, self-serving grifter. 

To Joe Biden, everything has always been about Joe Biden – and his lounging on the beach and gowling “No comment” while the people of Maui died, wept, and prayed proved it anew. 

Take just a mintue to contrast President Donald Trump’s heartfelt response to the tragedy in the video embedded above with Callous Joe’s beachtime sunbathing.
Joe Biden by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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