Busting The Myths

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

I want you to watch the video embedded above. 

To say it’s revealing is an understatement.

To say it is stunning is closer to the mark.

And to say it is inspiring is right on target!

Among the many Deep State/Mainstream Media Myths this video demolishes from word one on are two that have for far too long wreaked havoc on the America we love and everything for which it stands:

  1. All Blacks are liberal and look to government as their only salvation.
  2. Only experienced political pros – who have worked in Washington and understand its wondrous ways – are capable of running our country.

As a Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leader, you know that those twin myths are not just false – 

They are both dangerous – and deadly.

So, watch the video – and get ready to revel in the reveals!

Vivek-Interview by CartierFamily is licensed under

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