Boston, the city of race-segregated Democrat parties, is on track to allow non-citizens to vote

Boston is poised to permit foreign nationals to meddle in American politics. The city council passed a measure last week that would allow non-U.S. citizens to vote in municipal elections.

Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu, fresh off backing a race-segregated Christmas party, will first have to sign off on the petition. With the mayor's mark of approval, which is far from guaranteed, the measure must then pass in the state legislature before it can take effect.

While some supporters are doubtful it will ultimately succeed, the state legislature — where Democrats dominate both chambers — is flush with enough leftists that it might stand a chance.

The measure was originally put forward by Kendra Lara, one of the councilors whose immutable characteristics qualified her for Wu's "Electeds of Color Holiday Party." Lara said at Wednesday's meeting, "Voting is an inherent right that this country was founded on."

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