Biden's 'totally out of control' border

Former President Donald Trump attacked the new administration's immigration policies on Friday, contending that President Biden has created a "spiraling tsunami at the border" that is hurting people amid a surge in unaccompanied migrant children arriving at the United States-Mexico border.

"A mass incursion into the country by people who should not be here is happening on an hourly basis, getting worse by the minute," Trump said in a statement, calling the southern border "totally out of control."

"ICE officers are desperate to remove these convicted criminals, but Biden won't let them," Trump said. "The spiraling tsunami at the border is overwhelming local communities, depleting budgets, crowding hospitals, and taking jobs from legal American workers."

"When I left office, we had achieved the most secure border in our country’s history. Under Biden, it will soon be worse, more dangerous, and more out of control than ever before," Trump continued, charging that Biden has "violated his oath of office" to uphold the country's laws.

Fence by Markus Spiske is licensed under Unsplash

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