Biden’s Latest Nominee Proves He Comes Not To Bring Peace, But A Sword To The Culture War

There’s a high-level, widespread, and persistent fantasy that a President Joe Biden will calm this country down.

High-level, in that liberal moderate writers like The Atlantic’s Yascha Mounk believe it, writing in a Nov. 7 column titled “America Won” that “Biden will assume it as a kindly grandfather who seems nostalgic for a calmer past.”

Widespread, in that suburban Republicans longing for the days of Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney repeatedly voiced hope the culture war would end and order would return to our streets if President Donald Trump would just leave the White House.

Persistent, because no matter how many hard-left personnel and policies Biden promotes and pursues over a term as president, the century-old political pipe dream of a “Return to Normalcy” will continue, propped up by the kind of media outlets and politicians who work to fashion President Barack Obama as a great American uniter.

Xavier Becerra by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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