Arizona's largest school district shows kids how to hide gender transition from parents: lawsuit

Arizona's largest school district is flouting state law and its own governing board by covertly instructing students how to assert a different gender identity at school without their parents knowing and hiding evidence of its misdeeds, according to an outspoken member of the board.

Former President Trump aide Stephen Miller's America First Legal is representing Rachel Walden in her Maricopa County Superior Court lawsuit against Mesa Public Schools and Superintendent Andi Fourlis, which alleges they schemed to circumvent the Arizona Parents' Bill of Rights after the community learned it was blocking parental notification.

Walden also claims the board "never voted to adopt or authorize" the contested gender transition policy, whose heading is dated August 2015, "or any of its constituent elements," which additionally determine access to restrooms, locker rooms, field trips, "overnight trips" and "gendered activities" such as sports.

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