
Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

First off, let’s make something abundantly clear that the Biden regime – and other weak-kneed western governments worldwide – can’t seem to get straight.

Because they don’t want to.

To wit:

There is no “middle ground” in Israel’s war against the godless, depraved Palestinian terrorists of Hamas. 

There is no, “Well, on the other hand…”

There is no, “Yes, but we have to understand…”

There is no “humanitarian aid”… “turn the other cheek”… or “let’s just all get along.”

“Humanitarian aid” is used by the Hamas monsters to resupply their stockpiles and fortify their defenses.

“Turn the other cheek” is a recipe for getting beheaded – as the Hamas savages did to tiny little infants in their terrorist invasion.

And “let’s just all get along” tells the brutal, inhumane – yes, inhuman – demons of Hamas that you are willing to roll over and bare your throat…

Which, as they have shown, they will gladly slit. 

Israel needs the undying and unwavering support of every good and decent American patriot who values freedom, hates tyranny and terror, and, in the words of John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address, is willing to: 

“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

Especially when it comes to eradicating a bunch of savage, maniacal, mass murderers. 


And of, by the way, any true Christian or Jew who has a problem with that might be well advised to go back to their Bible and reread David’s treatment of the  Amalekites in I Samuel 30.

I believe that pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? 

And while we are making things abundantly clear, let’s make no mistake about the posture and position of Toxic Joe Biden and his Evil Troika at the Department of State (Blinken-Nuland-Sullivan):

They are covertly undermining the State of Israel at every turn. 

They are slow-walking badly needed weaponry and funds.

They are impeding Israel’s desperately needed full ground offensive.

They are demanding that Israel stop arming its own citizens.

And they are maneuvring for a ceasefire that would leave Hamas in power and in place. 

Hardly a recipe for just revenge – and Israel’s survival – is it? 

In his autobiography, Bibi, Netanyahu deftly suggests that Joe Biden is not a true friend of Israel, and cannot be trusted. 

Now, Toxic Joe is leaving no doubt about that. 

The video embedded above is a very good interview by Fox News with the outstanding journalist Caroline Glick. (Why Fox insisted upon repeatedly showing Toxic Joe embracing Bibi is a mystery to me – surely someone at that network must have read Bibi’s book.)

Caroline-Glick-Update by JNS TV is licensed under
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