AOC, other Dems drowned out by screaming protesters at NYC migrant crisis news conference

  • by:
  • Source: Fox News
  • 09/15/2023

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and other Democrats were loudly heckled Friday at a press conference in New York City regarding the migrant crisis there.

The Democrats, spoke outside of the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan, which has become a relief center for asylum seekers, were drowned out by shouting protesters chanting, "Send them back!" and, "Close the border!"

"Close the border! Close the border! Respect the constitution AOC! I am your constituant!" a man was heard among the angry crowd, shouting into a megaphone.  

"What we seek to do is to make sure that all the resources are necessary and that we are joining with the city and state" Ocasio-Cortez said before the man wielding the megaphone shouted over her, saying, "Illegal immigration is not right! Respect the constitution, close the border!"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by nrkbeta is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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