And The Shell Game Continues

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

You are a Constitutional Rights PAC grassroots leader.

Family, friends, and neighbors look to you for a heads up on the lowdown.

They know they can no longer trust their own government…

And the mainstream media?

Well, thanks to you as a Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot, most of them learned long ago never to trust an edifice of lies built upon a foundation of deceit. 


So, it’s time for you to tell them the total truth yet again –

This time about the government’s Hunter Biden gun conviction charade.

So, here’s the raw truth…

Unvarnished and unadorned.

If you agree, pass it on. If not, send me an email:

And here is the best take I have seen anywhere on the government’s Cokehead Hunter shell game – from the always reliable World Tribune.

And as you read that, please remember that “The Most Dangerous Man in America” – deliberately duplicitous Christopher Wray – personally hid the laptop and denied its authenticity for more than a year and a half…

Including throughout the presidential election of 2020!

Any guesses why?

And the shell game continues.

A wooden gavel. by Tingey Injury Law Firm is licensed under

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