An Important Personal Aside

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Will you indulge me just a little, my friend?

Will you allow me to get shamelessly (and, in fact, proudly) personal?

Yesterday morning, I received the letter below from a true Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leader.

And, well… it  brought tears to my eyes…

As it swelled my heart with pride.

And I have a feeling it will yours, as well. 

Below is the letter – sent in response to my Jog Vlog on our country’s dangerous, even deadly, decline and decay. 

As you are about to see, it speaks boldly and eloquently for Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leaders everywhere – 

Yes, including you!

Here is the letter – get ready to feel a Constitutional Rights PAC surge of pride:

Good morning Carter Lee❣️ I listened to and read the email you sent the other day and it made me think of how, when Christa was in high school in the late 1990’s, she was being told by her new, young teachers, that there was no definitive right or wrong—-it was “up to you to make that decision for yourself.” Well—-not in our household!!! Also when Josh was in 6th grade a new teacher, at a parent/teacher meeting with the classroom parents said, “let’s just face it, when your children are in my class with me, I am their parent!!” I said “oh no—-let me make this clear to YOU! MY child is NEVER your child! MY child is ALWAYS MY child!!!” It started a long time ago—-Josh will be 50 in October! Parents and all people have to be aware of what is going on and be prepared to take a stand for the good of our/their children and our nation. Indoctrination is rampant!! Your words were good, important and true! Keep speaking the truth! I love you❣️ Have a blessed day❣️❤️🙏

And now, for “the rest of the story”….

As you might have guessed by the icons included, that letter was sent by someone very close and dear to me.

An you are right. 

In fact, she is my own little sister, Marcia Lynn Wessel.

And now you can see why it brought tears to my eyes, can’t you? 

Somewhere up in heaven, our father – Rev. C. Gordon Clews – is looking down and saying, “Well done, my good and faithful daughter.”

And, even more importantly, she is our fellow Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leader!

So praise the Lord – and pass the ammo!


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