An End To Four Year Colleges

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Rarely, if ever, do I ask you to do a deep dive into a lengthy video…

But, in this case, I am going to make an exception.

In the one-hour-plus video above, Prager U’s Marissa Streit and best-selling author Peter Boghossian take a courageous stand that we at Constitutional Rights PAC have spearheaded for well over two years now:

To wit: They are calling for the complete dissolution of wasteful, corrupt, outdated, archaic, and radically leftwing-controlled four-year colleges... 

Or, perhaps, we should more accurately say “Indoctrination Incubators.”

Set aside some time, if you will, and watch the interview in its entirety. 

And if you still have any doubt as to whether we should continue to spend taxpayer money to have our children corrupted by lazy (they work an average of nine hours a week), DEI, authoritarian, and radically Woke college professors and administrators…

Well, you may just to be about to have your mind changed. 

So, enjoy the plunge!

[Quick Word to the Wise: Remember that despite the fact Mr. Boghossian has escaped the academic subjugation plantation, he is still a liberal. So, you will hear some anti-Christian and pro-liberal blather escape from his lips. Just ignore it. He is still learning.)

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