A Time For Choosing

What happens to a once-great nation when it completely eschews and abandons its basic moral character and, instead, embraces a contrived pecksniffian posture designed to do nothing more than virtue signal and foster disdain?

It is a question we all need to search our souls and fervently answer… Because it reflects precisely where America is today. 

And the disdain it is fostering is not just within our nation’s own divisive and divided population. It is worldwide. And it is quickly making America a pariah among men and women of goodwill – and good sense as well – all across the globe. 

With good reason.

America’s children have become… well… freaks, with their pink hair, cross dressing, and contrived ethical (not moral – that they have abandoned that) superiority. America’s adults have become hollow shells of what they once were, fully incapable of standing up for right, or even timidly, tepidly condemning wrong. 

And its “leadership” has become nothing more than a perverse horde of greedy, grasping grifters who see profligacy as a source of profit and common decency as an object of derision. 

I summed it all up in a “Jog Vlog” video this morning that drills down on the problem – and raises up a possible solution. Take a look:

Now it is up to each of us to make the determinant decision that has confronted contested men and women since the beginning of time:

Do we fight – or take flight?

In this case:

Do we retake and our occupied territory – or do surrender it to the usurpers and watch the land we love disdained, desecrated, and inevitably, ineluctably destroyed?

In his historic 1964 speech on behalf of Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan provided a profound response to the above questions. It is as salient today as it was then: 

“Perhaps there is a simple answer – not an easy answer – but simple: If you and I have the courage to tell our elected officials that we want our national policy based on what we know in our hearts is morally right.”

There is no doubt that if we do, God will once again bless America. 

We have reached “A Time for Choosing.”


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