A Day Which Will Live In Ignominy

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot, 

Make no mistake about it:

October 7, 2023, is a day which will live in ignominy.

The Hamas terrorist invasion and massacre in Israel was an act of such heinous savagery that a black mark will now forever follow the Palestinian people throughout the course of recorded history. 

And it must be avenged with such righteous ruthlessness that future generations of Palestinians for centuries to come will rue the day their forebearers attempted to expunge the last ounce of decency and, yes, even humanity, from their lineage. 

The Hamas barbarians who invaded Israel -- who ravenously and rabidly murdered, mutilated, raped, and ravaged thousands of innocent Israelis -- have left an indelible impression of a people who may never again be trusted in civilized society. 

And the world needs to put the Palestinian people on notice that they must earn their way back into the tribunals of the trustworthy. Or forever wander as ignoble nomads. 

They, their ilk, and all who defend – or in any way excuse or condone – their behavior have now proven themselves beyond the pale of public indulgence.

And we must never forget, or forgive.  

In the video embedded above, is my social media commentary posted shortly after the barbarous invasion.

people walking on street during night time by Efrat Fenigson is licensed under unsplash.com
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