Garbage - The Democrat Party view of the American people

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

It is almost impossible to overstate the damage Joe Biden has done to the Harris campaign with his outrageous characterization of patriotic Trump supporters as “Garbage.”


In one fell swoop, Toxic Joe has openly revealed his true feelings about the good and decent American people – whom he has conned and ripped off for five full decades.

And to make matters worse, he said out loud and clear what the entire Democrat Party actually feels deep down about hard-working, God-fearing Americans.

As does their anointed (not duly nominated) presidential standard bearer, Kamala Harris. 

Which is why she never lived or labored among real, working-class Americans a single day in her elitist life…

Why she chose to insult the American people by building an entire political career upon pigmentation and genitalia…

And why she has now spent her entire presidential campaign lying about her own sorry, slothful, radical record – and her sordid plans for the country’s future. 

She, like the mentor she stabbed in the back to seize power, considers the American people “garbage.”

And that’s why this latest, scandalous October Surprise is going to stick like stink to her and her party all the way up until Election Day. 

Below, from the inimitable Mark Dice, is the best video podcast take I have found on the escalating scandal for you.

As you watch it, I want you to keep two things in mind:

  • First, notice the spin that Politico has attempted to put on Biden’s vile attack. They say he was referring to the “hatred” spread by President Trump. A lie. Politico was founded as and remains a CIA newsletter. Which means that lie now the official Deep State CYA talking point being handed out to the lickspittle network news talking heads. Expect to see it repeated time and again.
  • Second, notice that in Toxic Joe’s statement, he first declares that he is from Puerto Rico – and then, perhaps realizing that his name is Joe and not Jose, decides that Puerto Rico is actually in his “home state of Delaware” (this from the man who has spent no less than four presidential campaigns continually reminding Americans that he is actually from Scranton, Pennsylvania).  
Here is Mark’s video podcast – share it with your friends; it could put the final nail in Kamala’s campaign coffin:


Spread the word – and send this video viral. 

Harris attempted to turn the tide with her speech last evening to the assembled government workers on the Mall.

But, Toxic Joe let the cat out of the Hefty bag, didn’t he? 

So, keep it alive –

And stay strong!

Rubbish Pile by Possessed Photography is licensed under Unsplash

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