
Wealth At The Service of Others vs. Wealth At The Expense of Others
There really are only a few major ways to acquire wealth. One is as the service of others, and the other is at the expense of others. The former is the arena of the free market. The latter is the arena of politics, bureaucracy and crony capitalism. Read More.
Fauci: 'Wear Two Masks!' Is Our Covid Policy Schizophrenic?
President Biden's top coronavirus advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has just announced that it's "just common sense" that people should wear two masks. Read More.
Record 14.45M illegal immigrants in US, cost $133.7B
The illegal immigrant population has reached a record 14.451 million in the United States despite border closures and travel bans, and it could jump much higher under President Biden’s pro-immigrant policies, according to a new analysis. Read More.
Impeachment 2.0: When Will The Backfire Begin?
Yesterday the House impeachment 2.0 team marched impeachment papers over to the Senate for trial. Read More.
When Fascism Comes, It Will Be Wearing a Mask
Almost immediately after his inauguration, President Joe Biden began creating new government dictates via executive orders. Read More.
The Russia informant transcript the FBI didn't want Americans to see
In secretly recorded talks with informer Stefan Halper, Carter Page dispelled key Russia collusion allegations before FISA warrant was even approved. Read More.
Virginia Rule Allowing Late Ballots Missing Postmark Was Illegal, Court Rules
The Virginia Board of Elections rule allowing officials to count ballots that arrived without a postmark up to three days after the election was illegal, a state judge ruled. Read More.
Biden plans to violate the 2nd Amendment
During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden announced he will force gun owners of “assault weapons” to either sell their weapons to the government or register them under the National Firearms Act. Read More.
Magic? Politics? Science? Did President Biden Cure Covid?
Just days after President Biden's inauguration, "blue" states began announcing an end to lockdowns and other restrictions. Suddenly it's time to open up. Read More.
The Next Economic Collapse & America's Future
Ron Paul on the next economic collapse, America's future, and universal basic income Read More.
The "Easy" Answer To The Bipartisan National Debt Racket
The national debt racket is not a Trump or Biden thing. It's not a Republican or Democrat thing. They all perpetuate it. Read More.
In Blow to NRA, Judge Rules N.Y. Lawsuit Can Proceed
The National Rifle Association suffered a setback on Thursday as a state supreme court justice ruled against the organization's motions to dismiss, delay, or transfer a lawsuit seeking the group's dissolution. Read More.
Goodbye, Women’s Sports #BidenErasedWomen
And so, on the first full day of a Biden presidency, female school athletics is sacrificed to wokeness. From an executive order sent down from on high today: Read More.
Are Antifa Riots 'Domestic Terrorism'?
While the media continues to push the phony narrative that right wing domestic terrorists are going to descend on state capitals, yesterday saw the emergence of actual left wing rioters in the form of Antifa, which attacked in Portland and Seattle. Read More.

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