Today, We Are All Living in Dred

It’s long been considered the worst decision in Supreme Court history. 

On March 6, 1857, in the case of Dred Scott v. John Sandford, the Roger Taney Supreme Court handed down a decision declaring that all peoples of African descent:

"Are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word 'citizens' in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States"

In short, Etheldred “Dred” Scott, a shackled slave to an oppressive system, had “no standing” even to try to claim his constitutional rights. 

On June 26, 2024, the John Roberts Supreme Court extended that prohibition to every single citizen of the United States – 

Regardless of descent… 

Regardless of race, creed, or color... 

Regardless of the “unalienable rights” guaranteed in the United States Constitution.

And with that ruling, Murthy v Missouri joined Scott v Sanford as one of the two worst decisions in Supreme Court history. 

In fact, when it comes to oppression and infamy, Murphy v Missouri  actually double dipped in taking away your rights. 

In the actual substance of the ruling itself, the Court – with the usual RINO suspects concurring… and the ever-perfidious Amy Conant Bryant rendering the majority opinion – the ruled that any and every branch of the federal government (can you say FBI?) is henceforth empowered to  monitor and censor your every expressed opinion. 

So much for the First Amendment.

Now, you, just as the High Court ruled in the Dred Scott Decision, are no longer entitled to "full liberty of speech.”

So shut up and do as you are told. 

But the Roberts Court, seemingly not content with merely taking away your Freedom of Speech and ridding the state of that pesky First Amendment – went one great, big, giant step further. 

It ruled that you never really had any rights in the first place.

In short, like Mr. Scott, you have “no standing.”

So, bow, scrape, and change your name to Etheldred. 

The Supreme Court – make sure you understand that now: the supreme law of the land – ruled that citizens now have no right whatsoever to object to any action the federal government and its ever more oppressive agencies deem to take. 

Because, let me emphasize that again: You have “no standing.”

In short, you are no longer among “We the People”…

You are now numbered among “We the Peonage.”

An overstatement?

No, I don’t think so. 

You see, in Murphy v Missouri, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the plaintiffs – two state attorney generals and myriad average citizens – had (and again I repeat it) “no standing” even to petition the Court for the protection of their Free Speech from government control. 

Now, think about that for a second, if you will:

The Supreme Court of the United States – again, the supreme law of the land – declared that American citizens – that’s right, “We the People” – have no right  to sue the government for taking away their most basic constitutional protections.

Because (here I go again) we have no standing.

In short, we have no right to sue no matter what the government does...

Because as mere citizens, we are, according to the High Court, nobodies… non entities... shadow figures… of little import… and no rights. 

Let me break that down even more succinctly, if I may:

Let’s say you are (or, at least you were) a citizen.

The government gestapo marches in and stomps on your e most basic and precious protections formerly guaranteed to you in the Bill of Rights.

Any one. Pick one. 

You go to court to protest the government’s jackboot tactics.

And the court sneers, snarls, bushes your off, and brutally declares that you can “claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument [the Constitution] provides for and secures to citizens of the United States.”

Because, you see, you have “no standing.” 

In short, you are now Dred Scott.

You are no longer a free citizen with “unalienable rights.”

You are a slave, chattel, a serf, a bond servant to the system – who has only and forever the right to do as you are told…

So, shut up and comply.

That’s what “no standing” means.

That’s what total subservience means.

That’s what the end of individual freedom means.

So, don your iron collars and leg irons…

Because Amy Coney Barrett,  John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson just consigned you, your family, your friends, and every other American far and wide to unceasing, insufferable subservience down on the plantation in them there “cotton fields back home.”

Here’s how the ever-stalwart Justice Samuel Alito characterized the Supreme Court’s horrific decision not to even to consider citizens’ rights with its “no standing” declaration:

“The Court shirks that duty and thus permits the successful campaign of coercion in this case to stand as an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear, and think… It was blatantly unconstitutional, and the country may come to regret the Court’s failure to say so.”

Alas, Mr. Alito, informed citizens, already chafing from their Dred Scott shackles, already do.

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