Tell The Truth

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

It’s time to tell the truth.

Bitter though it may be. 

As Trump says, millions of brave young soldiers have now been killed and wounded in Joe Biden’s proxy war in Ukraine. 

And the only real question left is whether the neocon Big Lie about a “pending Ukrainian victory” is going to continue unabated…

Or whether the incoming administration is finally going to tell the truth about a cause lost from day one --

And put an end to it, once and for all. 

For year after year, at the Biden State Department, Blinken, Sullivan and Kirby lied about every move Russian made and Ukraine failed to counter.

At the Defense Department and Joint Chiefs of Staff, Austin and Milley lied about the effectiveness of America’s “super weapons” as Russian incinerated them one after another. 

At the Biden White House, an addled-brained, stumbling, bumbling president declared time after time and again that “Putin is losing this war,” as Russian troops gobbled up ground day after day in a relentless onslaught. 

And, of course, in the lickspittle mainstream media – including Fox News – the mindless, heartless talking heads carried water for Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, Kirby, Austin, and Milley, clinging to their age-old, self-serving mantra, “If it bleeds, it leads.”

Well, it’s time to tell the truth. 

And, here – once again, from the Alternative Media, as usual – is a strong dose of the truth one hopes and prays quickly gets through to the incoming administration:

Please understand: I know that some of our Constitutional Rights PAC Patriots have supported Ukraine from the very beginning – all with the best of intentions. 

But, after a waste of $200 billion US tax dollars, the irredeemable loss of millions of Ukrainian and Russian lives, and the ineluctable march west of Russian troops…

It is, perhaps, time to remember, and reify, the words of Eighteenth-Century English poet/clergyman Charles Churchill:

Even in a hero's heart, 

Discretion is the better part

The fool Biden and his motley crew disdained such sage advice.

And it now up to us as Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leaders, to help rally the country in responding at last to “the better angels of our nature”…

And finally, at last, tell the truth.

Stay strong!
blue and yellow striped country flag by Max Kukurudziak is licensed under Unsplash

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