Senate Democrats approve budget with $3.5 trillion spending package

Senate Democrats approved a budget resolution providing for a $3.5 trillion spending package early Wednesday morning without the need for any Republican votes.

In a 50-49 vote, the measure passed after a series of amendment votes, known as "vote-a-rama," that began on Tuesday afternoon and extended to about 4:30 a.m. Wednesday. The passage of the resolution marks the beginning of deliberations between Democrats in both chambers to negotiate and draft the final bill for President Joe Biden's approval. 

"The Democratic budget will be the most significant legislation for American families since the era of the New Deal and the Great Society. It is big, bold change. The kind of change America thirsts for," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said.

A summary of the resolution shows four major categories of investment: families, climate, healthcare, and infrastructure and jobs.
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