Matt Gaetz Wants C-SPAN Cameras on House Floor to End 'Boomer-fied' Lack of Transparency

Freedom Caucus Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL-1) is calling for C-SPAN and their cameras to have greater access to Congress and to end the “boomer-fied” lack of transparency that’s kept the American People in the dark as to what happens in their Capitol.
Rep. Gaetz introduced the idea as an amendment to the House rules package on Tuesday, and says that he received a flood of positive feedback following the speakership vote, during which Americans were given a front-row seat to how their government works, thanks to the constant presence of C-SPAN cameras on the House floor.

“I’ve received a lot of feedback from constituents about how interesting it was and that you were able to see in real-time how our government is functioning, what alliances are being created, what discussions are being had, what animated moments drive the action,” Gaetz told Fox News of his constituents comments on the speakership vote and the close-up coverage that aired on C-SPAN.

Matt Gaetz by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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