The Lasting Effects of the Covid Hoax

Today, for some, will be “Tin Foil Hat Day.”

So, for those who still cling to the remnants of hopefully waning trust in a corrupt government, here is my sincere advice:

Go change your sock drawer, wash the car, or do a YouTube deep dive into the umpteen times Toxic Joe Biden has raised his pathetic little fists in air, feigned ferocity, and vacuously declared, “Ukraine is winning this war. Surrender Mr. Putin!”

For the rest of us within the Constitutional Rights PAC Nation, it is time to briefly face the full facts about why our autocratic (can you say “fascist”?) government perpetrated the covid hoax, what nefarious means and ends the Deep State autocrats actually intended with their execrable scam, and what comes next as the miscreants celebrate their sinister victory and feed the flames of their next oppressive conflagration.

We now know that “Covid 19” – as the perpetrators insisted upon labeling it, all with the  transparent intention of adding a sinister pseudo-scientific moniker to their contrived plague – was actually nothing more than an average, every day winter flu. Kind of like the Hong Kong, Asian, Swine flus of the past, each of which lasted the average of about a week, until herd immunity kicked in and folks laughed them off and shared like stories. 

We also now know that from the government’s immediate Push the Panic Button entirely contrived reaction, that the fascist autocrats had no intention of either allowing the American people to go on about their normal flu fighting business as they had always done (take two aspirins and call the doctor in the morning). And they had absolutely no intention of allowing herd, acquired, or natural immunity to work its usual way in the easy and inevitable eradication winter flus.

In fact, every move of the Deep State fascists – led by Mengele Fauci and Buchenwald Birx – was carefully designed and imposed to prevent any and every form of immunity and drag out their phony plague for as long as it served their power-hungry and pecuniary purposes. Truth is, as far back as 2014 – six years before the imposition of the covid hoax – the esteemed Harvard Medical Journal had warned that the worst thing one could do when the flu struck was lock people down, shut down business, close schools, and isolate the public. Those measures, the Journal warned, could, and likely would, destroy natural immunity and cause a pandemic of sorts.

So, that is precisely what Menegle Fauci and Buchenwald Birx did. 

None of which is surprising when you consider that their entire purpose in penetrating the hoax was to seize power and make money (lots of it: grasping hand over mailed fist). And, of course, they fully intended their contrived pandemic to help get rid of that bothersome, uncouth, freedom-loving, patriotic Donald J. Trump while they were at it – ain’t life grand when you have been handed total dictatorial power?

So, the Deep State pawns succeeded in their sick, cynical, and sinister (not to mention, deadly) hoax, aided by a groveling gaggle of pandering politicians (ever eager to expand their oppressive power) and a Supreme Roberts Court (which giddily aided and abetted by declaring that the all-powerful government had a “compelling interest” in health and safety – and could therefore blithely shred the Constitution). 

And what has been the result of all of this evil, dangerous – and, yes, deadly -- fascist chicanery?

Well, just at a glance we know it is three-fold, each element as sinister as the other, all intended to destroy the very fabric of a once-free society, where as we once proudly sang “God crowned thy good with brotherhood” (a sentiment the Deep State oppressors absolutely abhor). Let’s enumerate the three, shall, we, in hopes that by recognizing their evil intent and manifestation we can reverse the fascists’ dictates and restore a nation where “liberty and justice for all” once reigned and ruled supreme:

  1. With its total fascist takeover, the federal, state, and local governments (yes, the iniquitous troika teamed up on the American people just to make sure no one escaped the Stasi-style mandates), eradicated even the slightest notion that the American people might have an “unalienable right: to individual freedom.

In a mere matter of hours, at a Oval Office press conference, no less they showed they could eradicate Freedom of Association, Freedom from Search and Seizure, Freedom of Speech, the Right to Due Process, and the Right to Privacy all in one fell swoop. The fascist governor of New Jersey summed up the government’s intent for us in one revealing outburst, gleefully snarling at an inquiring reporter, “I didn’t even give the Bill of Rights a second thought.”

In short, for the ruling Deep Stare Power Elite, the covid hoax was the test case for seeing just how far they could go in obliterating the Constitution. They found they could go all the way. Opening the door for a repeat performance at will – if the sheep again supinely succumb to  the slaughter.

  1. The Covid Hoax empowered the government to direct every move the American people make – including where they are allowed to travel, what they are allowed to think, and what they are allowed to say. Hell, it even empowered the government to dictate where you were allowed to stand – six feet apart, and don’t you even dare think of shaking hands with family or friends.

Roads were shut down. Factories and offices were closed. Schools locked up – and children (whom we now know were not even susceptible to the government’s plague) were deprived of education, church doors were barred, and ministers were threatened with incarceration. All because a malevolent, power-hungry government knew that throughout history totalitarian regimes realized that to control the movement of the people was the ultimate tool for total oppression.

As to Freedom of Speech, well, we now know that the Deep State conspired with every major social media platform to censor any and every word that conflicted with the government’s deceptive narrative. The Good Book tells us that “When the light shines in the darkness, the darkness cannot overcome it.” 

So the government brutally snuffed out the light. And established its power to continue keeping us in total darkness today. 

  1. Finally, the government’s covid hoax was intended to and succeeded in turning the American people against each other. It intentionally made us afraid of each other. Once normal friendly greetings, even among total strangers, were now strictly forbidden. It deliberately made us suspicious of each other. When you are instructed to think that your unmasked and unvaccinated neighbor is trying to kill you, that understandably creates an animosity Americans had never before harbored. Just as the government wished. 

No need to go on with this point. Just look around you now today. Have you noticed that the once renowned warmth and openness of the American people seems to have evanesced, and often even disappeared? Do you miss the camaraderie and conviviality that once prevailed even among strangers?

Well, that division and distancing is precisely what the government intended to inculcate with its lock downs and “(anti-)social distancing.” It is the precise operational imposition of “divide and conquer.”

In sum, the governments’ (plural, because every level of oppressive, autocratic – yes, fascist – government eagerly participated in the totally manufactured covid hoax) imposition of its phony plague and contrived panic was meant not only to squash individual rights in the moment. It was intended to lay the groundwork for a future totalitarian takeover that will make freedom a distant memory and liberty nothing more than a forlorn hope. 

We know their sinister, cynical means and methodology now. 

The question is: Will we as a people have the commitment to freedom and the individual courage to fight back, yea, even unto the death, at the first sign that “Covid Hoax Part 2” – in whatever entirely contrived form tomorrow’s Deep State Mengeles and Buchanwalds decide to impose it -- appears on the horizon?

Time will tell. And, in truth, that time is now likely running very short. 

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