An Alternative to the Democrats’ Healthcare Plans

As we know, the Preamble to the United States Constitution begins with the line: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union.” This line suggests that the people of the United States of America can and should make laws to govern themselves based on the will of the collective citizenry. However, as we move further and further from the time of our Founding Fathers, power continues to shift away from the will of the American people and toward the will of those in the United States Congress and the corporations that influence those elected to represent us.

A perfect example of public policy that does not conform to the will of the American people is the Affordable Care Act. The healthcare bill was signed into law in March 2010 despite only about 40 percent of Americans being in favor of the law at that time. Since the law went into effect in 2010, healthcare prices have skyrocketed, placing a financial burden on many Americans. The will of a couple hundred members of Congress and the President outweighed the will of millions of Americans.

If you watched the recent Democratic Presidential Debates, you know that one of the main topics of debate among the infinite number of candidates was their desire to push all Americans into a socialized healthcare program. We’ve all had our experiences with government-run programs and how inefficiently they operate. The amount of additional expenses that are generated by those inefficiencies can be outrageous and are passed down to the taxpayer in the form of increased taxes.

Not only would government-run healthcare create loads of inefficiencies, leading to longer wait times and increased taxes, but it would also lead to less incentive for doctors and hospitals to provide quality service, since their ability to make profits would be limited by being forced to accept the government’s low reimbursement levels. At a time when Americans are in desperate need for an improved healthcare system, many Americans are wary of their physical well-being left in the hands of the federal government. What they really want is healthcare that they can have a say in. Healthcare that works on their behalf, not healthcare that they’re always seemingly fighting against. Americans want healthcare by the people and for the people.

So, how would healthcare by the people and for the people truly look? Well, the answer already exists.
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