
FLASHBACK: Biden Transition Leader Says He Wants To Restrict Free Speech
President-elect Joe Biden’s transition leader for U.S.-owned media outlets, Richard Stengel, supports restricting free speech and creating new guidelines that would make “hate speech” a crime. Read More.
Judge rules California Gov. Newsom violated Constitution with election order
"Executive Order N-67-20 issued by the Governor on June 3, 2020 is void as an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power and shall be of no further force or effect," the ruling states. Read More.
ALG Offering $10K Rewards for Voter Fraud Tipsters
The Americans for Limited Government announces 'wanted' poster campaigns in Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia offering $10,000 rewards for information of voter fraud in 2020 election. Read More.
20 Million Unemployed & Biden Wants A Super Lockdown? - The Fed Is At Fault!
20 million Americans are collecting unemployment, and Joe Biden wants a nationwide lockdown to battle a virus that has a 99+% survival rate. There is one immoral and unconstitutional institution that enables this kind of authoritarian madness: The Federal Reserve. Read More.
Why President Trump Has A Strong Supreme Court Case To Contest Pennsylvania
As widespread claims of voter fraud begin to have their day in court, a closer look at the Trump lawsuit in Pennsylvania reveals that numerous claims of voter fraud aren’t really the core claims of the case. Read More.
'Massive amounts of litigation': Biden administration set to overturn religious liberty protections
When in July the Supreme Court sided with the Little Sisters of the Poor against an Obama-era contraception mandate, the Trump administration claimed it as another win for its religious liberty agenda. Read More.
Protecting Free Speech Is Major Challenge for Supreme Court
Justice Samuel Alito blasted the deterioration of free speech Thursday, insisting that protecting this right is one of the major tasks facing today’s Supreme Court. Read More.
'Dark Winter' - Biden's Coming Lockdown
Former vice president Joe Biden has been declared president-elect by the mainstream media and he is wasting no time making good on his promise to lock the country down in the name of fighting Covid. His Covid task force member Dr. Michael Osterholm is recommending a four to six week mandatory national lockdown, paid for by a massive money-printing operation. Will doing the same thing again bring different results? Read More.
Dominion Voting Systems Retains Obama ‘Vote Protection Director’ As Lobbyist
Dominion Voting Systems – whose machines flipped ballots cast for President Trump to Joe Biden – currently retains Brian McKeon, a vote protection director for Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign, as a lobbyist. Read More.
Not Over Till It's Over: Trump Gaining Traction With Legal Vote Challenge?
President Trump's efforts to ensure a fair election process have been demonized by virtually every mainstream media outlet. Even Republicans have by and large abandoned him. But are the legal challenges in places like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania starting to gain traction? Also today, globalist Klaus Schwab tells us we can never have normal again. And...what will Biden's foreign policy look like? Read More.
Over-and-Over Nature Creates Uniqueness ... Yet Politicians & "Experts" Want To Rule Over Carbon Copies
This morning, Luke Rudkowski published a great Tweet: "There’s two types of people out there 1. that want to be left alone and 2. others that refuse to leave other people alone. Which one are you?"That statement encapsulates the seemingly never-ending struggle between Liberty and tyranny. It also places the responsibility precisely where it belongs, on each individual.'Which one are you? Read More.
National Crack-Up: US Attorney General Barr To Investigate Vote Fraud!
The announcement that the US Justice Department would be looking into some aspects of last week's election has elicited screaming and wailing from those convinced that Biden's win is a slam-dunk. Would the mainstream media resistance to investigating possible fraud be the same had Trump appeared to pull off a second term? Also today, is Biden breaking the law by speaking with foreign leaders about what a Biden Administration foreign policy would look like? Read More.
Trump’s Vote-Count Lawsuits: The Election Endgame
Human error and cheating occur in every election. The issue with fraud claims is whether it made a difference -- for the president, that is a steep mountain to climb. Read More.
Powerful Presidents Are Incompatible with Liberty
The mainstream media has declared former Vice President Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election. However, this does not mean the 2020 Presidential campaign has come to an end. President Donald Trump is continuing his legal challenges to the vote counts in some key states.The emotional investment of many Americans into the race between Trump and Biden would have shocked the drafters of the Constitution. Read More.

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