
Gov. Andrew Cuomo Shuts Down Indoor Dining in NYC, Less than 2% of Coronavirus Cases Traced to Restaurants
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) announced Friday that he will shut down indoor dining in New York City, despite the fact that contact tracing does not show restaurants as a primary source of coronavirus transmission. Read More.
Team USA to allow Olympic athletes to protest in 'support of racial and social justice,' defying IOC rules
The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee said Thursday it would allow its athletes to protest in "support of racial and social justice." Read More.
Great Reset: A Great Delusion, But More of The Same
Human freedom will be gone, of course, and the world will be set straight by the authorities and planners. Read More.
We Hadn't Thought Through The Economic Impacts
Echoing arch-lockdowner Anthony Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Melinda Gates has expressed some surprise in a recent New York Times article about the massive economic disaster that has followed the coronavirus outbreak. Read More.
Pfizer Warning: Vaccine May Be Dangerous
As the US FDA is preparing to approve the Pfizer Covid vaccine for emergency use, health authorities have issued warnings that individuals with severe allergies should avoid the vaccine. Read More.
The Idea of Liberty vs. Authoritarian Control
​If someone said, "Please place your next thought into my hand," could you do it? Of course not! Read More.
Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court over Election Rules
The State of Texas filed a lawsuit directly with the U.S. Supreme Court shortly before midnight on Monday challenging the election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on the grounds that they violate the Constitution. Read More.
Biden’s Latest Nominee Proves He Comes Not To Bring Peace, But A Sword To The Culture War
What sort of culture war calming is this? Well, it isn't any at all, and none should ever been expected by serious people. So why did anyone? Read More.
The Crack-Up is Coming
Some Federal Reserve officials are calling for tougher banking regulations in order to prevent the Fed’s low interest rate policy from leading investors to take “excessive” risks that will create asset bubbles. Read More.
Justice Alito moves up deadline in Pennsylvania election fraud case, suggesting possible SCOTUS action
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has moved up the deadline for Pennsylvania officials to respond to an election challenge filed by state Rep. Mike Kelly and other Republican state lawmakers, possibly signaling that the court may take up the case. Read More.
Feeling Guilty About Everything? Thank Critical Race Theory
Noxious Marxist theories that have festered in academia for decades finally burst out of ivy-covered walls in 2020, invading all aspects of American life. Read More.
Outdoor Dining? Forbidden! Indoor Big Box Shopping? Encouraged! Insanity!
The cruel illogic of this latest round of Covid lockdowns has infuriated more and more Americans and exposed the corruption and hypocrisy of the "leaders." Read More.
Director of National Intelligence: Election ‘Issues’ Need to Be Resolved Before Winner Declared
The top U.S. intelligence official suggested on Sunday that election lawsuits and other issues need to be resolved first before the winner of the Nov. 3 presidential election is declared. Read More.

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