
Vaccine Passports: Your Ticket To Tyranny
Mainstream media is reporting that the Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing some kind of Federal vaccine passport system, where Americans who cannot (or will not) prove to the government they have been jabbed with the experimental vaccine will be legally treated as second-class citizens. Read More.
Freedom Eliminates The Evils of Socialism & Fascism
Socialism & Fascism are two sides of the same totalitarian coin, with the latter ideology being an offshoot of the former. Read More.
No, Trump Didn’t Create The Border Crisis. Democrats Did
Whether you agree with Trump’s immigration policies or not, Joe Biden and his team own this current border crisis — no one else. Read More.
Oakland to Give $500 per Month to ‘BIPOC Families’ to ‘Eliminate Racial Disparities’
The Mayor of Oakland, California, is rolling out a program that awards low-income black families, foreign nationals, and the homeless $500 a month — and apparently excluding white households living in equivalent poverty. Read More.
Federal Judge Rules D.C.’s Capacity Limit on Churches Unconstitutional
A federal judge on Thursday ruled that Washington, D.C.’s coronavirus restrictions that limited occupancy at church services to 25 percent capacity or a 250-person cap were unconstitutional. Read More.
Covid-Testing-Industrial-Complex: Too Big To Fail
Over the past year the Covid testing industry has blasted into the stratosphere to become a $100 billion per year industry. Read More.
NYT's Libel Defense: No Need for Opinion/Fact Labeling
This isn’t the first time the paper has defended potentially defamatory reporting by claiming it is opinion ex post facto. Read More.
Harris 'worst possible choice' to fix border problem
Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey said that Vice President Kamala Harris's appointment to oversee the problems at the southern border was "the worst possible choice." Read More.
Fauci: US Covid Lockdowns 'No Mistake'
Appearing on the Hugh Hewitt show yesterday, Fauci was asked whether, given that lockdown states did no better than non-lockdown states in preventing Covid deaths, the lockdowns were a mistake in retrospect. Fauci answered, "I don't think so." New data is emerging suggesting the lockdowns may have led to more deaths than they saved. Read More.
Is It Easier to Buy a Gun Than Vote?
Barack Obama used to claim, absurdly, that it was easier for a kid to buy a “Glock than get his hands on a computer, or even a book.” Contemporary liberals have updated this talking point with more recent legislative obsessions. Read More.
Beware The Monopolistic Narratives
Individuality and decentralization must and will ultimately prevail in ways that we probably can't even imagine. Read More.
Drug cartels are 'very emboldened' by Biden's 'open border' policies
Following her visit to the southern border, Tennessee GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn said that "every town is a border town" during the migrant surge at the southwestern U.S. crossing under President Biden. Read More.
‘Democrats Propose Taking Guns Away from Law-Abiding Citizens’
During the March 23, 2021, Senate Judiciary Committee gun violence hearing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted Democrats for using high profile firearm crimes as a reason to “[take] guns away from law-abiding citizens.” Read More.
Suspect In Boulder Shooting Identified As 21-Year-Old, Motive Remains Unknown
Boulder Police Chief Maris Herold announced Tuesday that Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, the suspect in the King Soopers mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado, has been charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder. Read More.

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