
Rep. Massie BLASTS 'Vaccine Confidence' Propaganda Budget
In a blistering recent Tweet, US Rep. Thomas Massie blasted the inclusion of one billion dollars in the "stimulus" bill to propagandize the American people in favor of various coronavirus vaccines. Read More.
Top Biden Advisers To Meet With Chinese Communist Party Before President Holds Press Conference.
President Biden’s Secretary of State and National Security Adviser will meet with their Chinese Communist Party counterparts in-person in Alaska according to reports. Read More.
Fauci Admits Science Doesn’t Drive All Of The CDC’s Decisions
Anthony Fauci, one of President Joe Biden’s top COVID-19 advisers, admitted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not always rely on scientific data and evidence to inform its coronavirus mitigation guidelines. Read More.
Ideas Rule The World
When we look at outside circumstances, we're looking at the manifestation of ideas. This is why you'll often hear libertarians use the phrase "ideas rule the world." Read More.
Planned Parenthood a $50 million beneficiary of ‘stimulus’ bill
The Democrats’ $1.9 trillion covid relief bill passed by the Senate on Saturday includes millions of dollars for the abortion industry. Read More.
Dr. Bhattacharya: Lockdowns The 'Biggest Public Health Mistake We've Ever Made'
Stanford University Medical School professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is featured in Newsweek Magazine condemning the lockdowns across the United States to fight the virus, calling them the biggest mistake ever made by public health authorities. Read More.
The Fed Enabling Biden and Congress’ Destructive Agenda
According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 2021 will be the second year in a row in which the federal debt exceeds Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Read More.
A Partisan Assault on American Democracy
Late Wednesday night, the House passed H.R. 1, the “For the People Act.” It passed by ten votes, with every Republican voting against it, as well as Mississippi Democrat Bennie Thompson, who fears that the bill will abolish majority-black districts like his in the Deep South. Thompson deserves credit for reading past the title of the bill, which its cheerleaders in the media seem not to have done. Read More.
CDC Releases Behavioral Guidelines for Vaccinated Americans
Americans who are fully vaccinated against coronavirus can meet without masks in small group settings, according to new guidelines released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday. Read More.
Another Big Stimulus: 'Blue State Bailout'...Or Pork For All?
Congress is expected to vote on the final passage of the massive $1.9 trillion "Covid" bailout package that many Republicans are claiming is a bailout for blue states who cratered their economies with Covid lockdowns. Read More.
Biden's 'totally out of control' border
Former President Donald Trump attacked the new administration's immigration policies on Friday, contending that President Biden has created a "spiraling tsunami at the border" that is hurting people amid a surge in unaccompanied migrant children arriving at the United States-Mexico border. Read More.
Lockdown Equivalent Every Two Years to Save Planet, Claim ‘Experts’
Carbon dioxide emissions need to fall by the equivalent of a lockdown every two years to save the planet, climate scientists have claimed. Read More.
Rationing of Goods & Services Doesn't Work --- Liberty Should Never Be Rationed!
The U.S. Constitution, the "Supreme Law of The Land," was designed to chain down the U.S. federal government. Read More.
House Passes Partisan Election Bill With Zero Republican Votes
The House of Representatives passed HR 1, a bill that would implement a series of anti-corruption reforms and require states to adopt no-excuse absentee voting and automatic voter registration. Read More.

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