
Alexander Vindman Proposes Suing Conservative Media to ‘Deradicalize’ It
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman (Ret.), a key figure in the first impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, published an op-ed Monday at the Lawfare blog in which he proposed suing conservative media outlets to make them less “radicalized.” Read More.
Microsoft’s response to Chinese cyber attack was to expand business in China
On March 2, communist China hacked Microsoft’s servers and compromised data of more than 60,000 Microsoft customers. Read More.
Mitch McConnell Warns of ‘Scorched-Earth Senate’ if Democrats End Filibuster
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued a sharp warning from the Senate floor on Tuesday, warning of a “scorched-Earth Senate” in response to Democrats pressing to end the filibuster. Read More.
Blockbuster! Washington Post Admits Using Fake Trump Quotes!
Two months after reporting on former President Donald Trump "pressuring" Georgia election officials to find fraud in the process - long after that narrative had been accepted as fact - the Washington Post yesterday announced that the quotes were made up. Who made them up and why? Shouldn't the Post have investigated thoroughly? Read More.
Is Biden Holding America Hostage Until ‘Independence’ Day?
​Last week President Biden addressed the nation on the first anniversary of the coronavirus being declared a “pandemic.” It was a disturbing speech, warning us that the “hopeful spring” will only emerge “from a dark winter” if all Americans “stick with the rules.”Whose rules? His rules. Read More.
Military: Showing Support For Law And Order Is Too Political. Attacking Tucker Carlson Is Not
Early on in the deadly Summer of Rage, which resulted in dozens of murders, billions of dollars of damage, and the destruction of many American cities, the top military officer in the United States apologized for merely walking through an area in front of the White House that had been ravaged by violence, arson, and attacks on police officers in the days prior. Read More.
Oklahoma governor says all schools are open following teacher vaccinations
Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt announced on Monday that all schools in his state are open after officials prioritized teacher vaccinations. Read More.
Cornell Faculty Revolt Against China Partnership
A joint degree program bankrolled by the Chinese government is causing an uproar among Cornell University professors, prompting soul searching at the Ivy League institution about the extent to which American academics should cooperate with the oppressive regime. Read More.
Biden reportedly planning largest tax hike in almost 30 years
President Joe Biden is reportedly planning the largest hike in federal taxes in almost three decades to fund a long-term economic recovery program to follow in the footsteps of the recently passed $1.9 trillion stimulus package. Read More.
Democrats are racing toward gun control once again
From the moment we arrived in Congress this January, the Left has been trying to take away members’ constitutional rights. Read More.
LA County could reopen indoor dining, gyms, movie theaters as early as Monday
Los Angeles County could be opening its indoor dining, gyms, and movie theaters as early as Monday, the Los Angeles Times reported Thursday. Read More.
Judicial Watch sues CDC to access its coronavirus communication with Big Techf
The government watchdog group Judicial Watch is taking aim at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) over its secret communications with Big Tech platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Read More.
EXCLUSIVE: Biden DHS Performs Another Covert Tour of Texas Border Sector
Law enforcement sources report another high-level visit to the southwest border from a senior Biden Administration official under a shroud of “need to know.” Read More.
The Party of Voter Fraud
H.R. 1 would shift control of elections from cities, counties and states to Washington, D.C. Read More.
Biden Promises Diplomacy, Delivers Militarism
From Syria to Iran to Afghanistan to Russia, President Biden's early promises to focus on diplomacy rather than the alleged brute force of the Trump Administration has not been followed up with action. Read More.

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