
Iowa Passes Constitutional Carry
On April 2, 2021, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed House File 756 into law, which gets rid of the licensing requirement imposed on lawful Iowans when they want to carry a handgun. Read More.
What Would Hunter Biden's Laptop Reveal About The Coming Ukraine War?
In a shock interview over the weekend, President Biden's son, Hunter, revealed that the laptop the media assured us was "Russian disinformation" could "absolutely" be his. Read More.
Fear: The Tool of Tyranny
How successful would the political classes be in expanding their powers if they had to deal with a population of individuals that were unafraid and who guarded their liberty with their lives? Read More.
Hunter Biden Addresses Laptop Saga For The First Time
Hunter Biden said in an interview that a laptop of his purported emails released before the election “could be” his, but that it may have been stolen or released with the help of Russian intelligence. Read More.
‘Foreign adversaries’ used 2010 U.S. census data for attack on 2020 election
Mike Lindell has announced the release of three new films detailing additional evidence of U.S. election fraud. Read More.
Why Are 'Experts' Disagreeing With Each Other Over Covid Vaccine?
Even the establishment experts seem to be in total disagreement with each other - and often with themselves - over the experimental Covid "vaccine." Read More.
Socialism Arrives in USA! Dems Set for Spending Spree
President Joe Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan, dubbed the American Jobs Plan, is not sufficient and “needs to be way bigger,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said on Tuesday prior to the proposal’s formal unveiling. Read More.
Requiring photo IDs to vote used to be bipartisan, now Democrats call it 'Jim Crow'
Top Democrats are describing voter identification requirements as as return to "Jim Crow" discrimination. But it wasn't that long ago when voter photo IDs enjoyed a bipartisan embrace and Congress' main investigative arm concluded the vasty majority of registered voters already had the necessary identification. Read More.
Biden Begs Taliban: Let Us Stay Six More Months
The Biden Administration seems intent on breaking the agreement signed under the Trump Administration for US troops to finally leave Afghanistan, the longest and perhaps most pointless war in US history. Read More.
We Only Get One Body & One Life --- "NO" To Vaccine Passports!
Government constantly looks for openings to expand its power. Because government consists of people, these people will tend to follow the path of least resistance. Read More.
COVID Tracking Apps Have Eerie Echoes of Chinese Surveillance System
President Joe Biden's COVID team appears to have entertained an electronic test-and-trace program pioneered by the University of Illinois that would have let businesses deny service to patrons based on their health data, a PowerPoint presentation obtained by the Washington Free Beacon shows. The program has eerie echoes of China's surveillance system, which uses data from citizens' phones to impose quarantines. Read More.
CDC Director Meltdown: 'Please Hold On A Little While Longer!'
Biden Administration CDC Director Rochelle Walensky appeared to break down into tears yesterday, pleading with Americans to avoid the urge to begin living normally again as the virus continues to fade. Read More.
Second Amendment in the Firing Line
Gun control was already a Biden Administration priority before the recent shootings in Georgia, Colorado, and Virginia. Read More.
NY Nursing Homes Scrambled for Tests While Cuomo’s Family, Friends Received Special Access
Nursing homes in upstate New York were left to secure their own COVID-19 tests in the early days of the pandemic as the coronavirus quickly spread through the facilities, killing numerous elderly residents while Governor Andrew Cuomo made testing available for his family and other connections, according to a new report. Read More.
Vaccine Passports: Your Ticket To Tyranny
Mainstream media is reporting that the Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing some kind of Federal vaccine passport system, where Americans who cannot (or will not) prove to the government they have been jabbed with the experimental vaccine will be legally treated as second-class citizens. Read More.

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