Kamala Harris Is Back With A Message

Kamala Harris is a drunk. 

No, please understand, she’s not just drunk. 

(I.E., temporarily incapacitated by over imbibing  -- kind of like “DUI – Driving Under the Influence.”)

Kamala Harris is a drunk. 

She clearly has entered the realm of what we in AA call “Step One”:

… we were powerless over alcohol, our lives had become unmanageable.”

In fact, as the video below reveals, Kamala Harris is not just a drunk, she is a “wet-brained” drunk. 

Which means that even when she is “sober” (as she could partially be in the video), she still acts like an idiot –

Spouting inane word salads and irrelevant babble, creepily grinning (about absolutely nothing), laughing out of context, being deadly serious (yes, even maudlin) one moment and then cackling the next, endlessly cornering and cowing everyone around desperate to escape

You’ve seen it all, haven’t you, at bars, parties, and family gatherings?

Oh yeah, Kamala Harris is a wet-brained drunk.

There is no remaining doubt about it. 

How can I be so sure?

Well, several decades ago, I was a drunk. For about five years. Drank like a fish. 

In short, I became a babbling, grinning, grimacing, hectoring, know-it-all wet-brained idiot – even when I seemed “sober.”

Yep, just like Aunt Kammie at Thanksgiving dinner.  

And that is when I totally quit and joined AA.

Which is exactly what Kamala Harris needs to do…

Instead of insisting on making embarrassing – and very revealing – videos like this:


As is so often the case, perhaps one poster on the outstanding news and commentary website Free Republic, put it best:

Let’s face it: 

On the night of November 5, 2024.

All of America dodged a deadly bullet.

And on this Thanksgiving, looking at the wet-brained drunk above, we thank God for it!

Kamala Harris by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr Creative Commons

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