The Oxford Dictionary tells us that “hinterlands” refers to “uncharted areas beyond a river’s banks.”
And I kinda guess America’s pampered, posturing elitist college students (and their kowtowing members of Congress) should have looked up the word before they chose “From the river to the sea!” as the sanguineous slogan for their “Final Solution to the Jewish Question.”
They, of course, in their Haarvrd, Wellesley, UPenn pomposity have vigorously, vilely declared that they want Israel completely wiped out, from the Jordon (their river of choice) to the Mediterranean -- along with all the nasty, rotten Joos who live there (and anywhere else on the face of the earth, for that matter).
Sieg heil!!!
And they could well be about to be hoisted to the hinterlands by their own highly stylish, in-vogue petards.
For, alas, clearly unbeknownst to the Ivy League’s (and congressional) elitist anal orifices (I have cleaned that up for the feint of heart), the tiny, trickling (and more trickling by the day, as a matter of fact) Jordan is not the only river in the Mideast.
There is, in fact, another river, of major proportions, not so very far away from the hated, hunted State of Israel that is now only a stone’s throw – or, perhaps, we should say “from a tank’s drive” – from the (ugh) Joos’ homeland.
And it grows nearer by the day.
For the kid’s at Haavrd, Wellesley, UPenn, the US Congress, and the other antic-Semitic caserns of bigotry, may I humbly suggest that they pause in their piety just long enough to Google “Rivers in the Mideast.”
For, lo and behold, right there at the very top of the page (kind of jumps out at ya, don’t it?), is a little body of water (1,740 miles long) known as the “Euphrates River.”
“Whoops!” I can hear the college kiddies intoning, “Who put that there?”
The Euphrates was about a twelve-hour drive from Jerusalem (for you Ivy Leaguers, that’s the capital of Israel), via Route 20.
I say “was,” because now that Israel has captured a large swath of what once was Syria, it has suddenly come a nearer.
And could well get closer by the day.
(Now, in the name of goodness, kindness, and mercy, I need to pause here long enough to give the androgenous little anti-Semitic Ivy Leaguers time to dry their tears and change their soggy, soiled underwear…
Humdela… humdedo… doobydoobydo…)
Okay, kids, are you back?
If so, I hope you brought along a fresh new box of Kleenexes and a change of non-binary panties…
Because it gets worse.
Much worse.
According to AI – your new source of all knowledge:
“The Euphrates River is mentioned in the Bible as a border of the Promised Land. In Genesis 15:18, the Euphrates forms the northern boundary of the land promised to Israel.”
Oh, oh!
Yeah, kiddies, now brace yourself (and I hope you have your lorazepam handy), here is the actual map of Israel as promised to those awful, nasty Jooos by the Big Guy himself nearly three thousand five hundred years ago:
Now, let me make it perfectly clear for you kiddies and Congress critters, since I don’t want you whining and screeching, “That’s not fair. I’m not a cartographer!”
(Friendly advice: Double up on your lorazepam. A panic attack is an ugly animal.)
“What we can say is that the Promised Land stretches from the Red Sea, around Eilat, as a southern boundary, to the Mediterranean at a point south of Gaza and extending from there up the coastline at least as far north as Sidon in Lebanon, to form the western boundary, then north to the Euphrates River, to form the northern boundary, and down the line of the Jordan River to form the eastern boundary.” (Emphasis added to make the kiddies reach for their barf bags)
Now, I can see the Ivy Leaguers and their Congress-type new best buds angrily stomping their Uggs-clad feet and defiantly declaring, “Well, I don’t even believe the Bible. So there!”
Blah, blah, blah.
Well, children, you don’t have to believe the Bible…
Because a whole gaggle of the Torah-spouting, yarmulke-sporting Israeli Joos do.
And they have the ear of Benjamin Netanyahu (the guy you like to burn in effigy) – and his voice, to boot:
Get the picture, boys, girls, and Congressfuhrers (again with the barf bag)?
So, the bottom line is this: You just may get your “from the river” way after all, you vile bunch of anti-Semitic vagrants.
(Now, I know that unwoke word “vagrant” is likely not in your “Anti-White Privilege” lexicon. So allow me to help you out: According to Collins Dictionary, it means “someone who moves a lot from place to place because they have no permanent home or job, and have to ask for or steal things in order to live.” Sound familiar?)
So, come on now all who genuinely cherish freedom and love our neighbors as ourselves (regardless of ethnicity), let’s shout it out loud and clear, for all the world to hear:
“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
Keeping in mind that historically and without doubt or dispute, Palestine is part of the Promised Land (now Israel) given by Jehovah to the Jews…
Who may soon, in keeping with Genesis 15:18, be drinking from the banks of the mighty Euphrates.
And that sound you now hear, my non-elitist friends, is the screeches of the pampered, posturing college kids (and their conniving best buds in the United States Congress) being hoisted to the hinterlands by their stylish petards, exploding in their own faces.
Now, that feels kind of good, doesn’t it?
What we can say is that the Promised Land stretches from the Red Sea, around Eilat, as a southern boundary, to the Mediterranean at a point south of Gaza and extending from there up the coastline at least as far north as Sidon in Lebanon, to form the western boundary, then north to the Euphrates River, to form the northern boundary, and down the line of the Jordan River to form the eastern boundary.
Genesis 15:18
"On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, 'To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the Great River, the Euphrates'"