Trump warns "World War III" in response to Biden's latest Ukraine escalation...

Since the Russian invasion/special operation in Ukraine, the United States has supplied Ukraine with approximately 25 billion dollars in military aid.

In a move sure to escalate the US proxy war with Russia, Biden recently took the dramatic step of agreeing to send 31 American Abrams tanks to Ukraine

President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that the United States is sending 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine in its war against Russia.

The U.S. will also provide the necessary training and supplies needed to operate and run these tanks, he said.

Sending the tanks will “enhance Ukraine’s capacity to defend its territory and achieve its strategic objectives” because they are “the most capable tanks in the world,” Biden said.

“That’s what this is about — helping Ukraine defend and protect Ukrainian land. It is not an offensive threat to Russia, there is no offensive threat to Russia,” the president said.

President Trump immediately commented upon the recklessness of such an escalation with Russia on the part of an increasingly desperate Biden:

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