The Race is On – Part 1

This is the first of what will be a three-part presidential election analysis series. The second column will follow on Monday, October 2, the third on Monday, November 4, the day before the most important presidential election in the nation’s history.

The special edition columns primarily will focus on the Harris-Walz campaign – or lack thereof. Because, quite frankly, at this point it is theirs to win or lose. Trump is a known commodity who will garner somewhere in the neighborhood of eighty million votes. 

The Harris vote total will be governed by three factors: whether she can overcome her innate inadequacy to conduct a sufficiently effective campaign to motivate the Democrat/liberal base, how effectively the Democrats can steal votes in key states, and to what extent the lickspittle mainstream and social media will go to cover up her flaws, create a false image of this flawed woman, and viciously vilify Donald Trump. 

We will touch on all three factors in these columns. But, we will focus on the Harris campaign, because even with all of the endless efforts of the Democrat election corruption machine and the lickspittle media propagandization efforts, Harris herself must at some point emerge from hiding and show at least a semblance of intellect and the ability to do more than cackle, posture, lie, cheat, and steal. 

So, far, a full six weeks after being tacitly handed the nomination upon the Biden palace coup and a full week after actually being crowned at the convention, Harris has done less than little to dispel the prevailing notion over the past four years that she is nothing more than an empty pantsuit, an inept caricature, and a cackling cutout. The ultimate DEI beneficiary. 

Shakespeare sagely wrote, “Some people are born great, others achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Throughout her DEI career, Ms Harris has brazenly, transparently, and ineffectively attempted to simulate greatness by means of pigmentation, genitalia and buccal cavity dexterity. Other than that, to borrow from the other great British wordsmiths, the Beatles, “She's a real nowhere gal / Sitting in her nowhere land / Making all her nowhere plans for nobody.”

And, at this point, we might add, she is conducting a nowhere campaign. She seems, in fact, to be emulating the Biden 2020 strategy – hiding in the basement while the Democrat Party puts together its vote-stealing strategy and the lickspittle media (mainstream and social) paint an iconic image of her as somewhat of a cross between Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa, and Marilyn vos Savant. 

May work. May not. But let’s look at how the lady herself is performing – because what it reveals is both fascinating and disquieting. She is painting a giant mosaic of herself as an inveterate liar whose jumbled mental acumen renders her thoroughly  incapable of stringing together even the slightest semblance of a coherent thought.

Let’s sight just two examples – both highly significant in the context of her campaign to date. Each a head-shaking example of what happens when chicanery meets vacuity. 

First, there is the McDonald’s mendacity. It is becoming increasingly clear that Kamala Harris never worked at McDonalds. Kamala’s friends say she never worked at McDonalds. Her relatives say she never worked at McDonalds, For Pete’s sake, McDonalds says she neve worked at McDonalds. 

So her phony claim that, “I did the cashier” (for her, with her blatantly promiscuous track record, a Freudian Slip of momentous proportions) is nothing more than an outright, audacious lie. A lie she deliberately told in order to make believe she came from a working-class background. Which, of course, she did not. Just ask her mother, an eminent cancer researcher, and her dad a tenured Stanford economist.

So, her contrived McDonalds’ scenario – prominently featured in a Kamala TV ad – is not only a deceptive case of what the excellent publication Issues & Insights calls “stolen working class valor.” It is an exceedingly obvious case of stolen working-class valor. It is a lie that never had to be told. It is a lie transparently woven from the whole cloth. It is a lie she had to have known would be exposed. 

And yet she told it. Repeatedly. Featured it in her campaign material and advertising. And convinced herself that she was so DEI immune, so ironclad protected by her pigmentation and genitalia. So crafty and cunning with her buccal dexterity background and all it taught her about the courtesan art of seduction, that she could now get away with anything. Even slinging lies about slinging fries (and, of course, doing the cashier).

In short, she thinks everyone around her is stupid. And she is depending upon that to weave a world of lies. And cackle hysterically while all of the real working-class dolts fall for it, hooker, lines, and slinking. 

And then there is her non-interview with the despicable, disdainful, loathsome, and languid lickspittle Dana Bash. Ms Bash, who considers it her primary occupation to savage conservatives and suck up to liberals. Ms Bash, who dons her knee pads for fellow radicals and grabs for the meat ax at even the distant sighting of a confirmed conservative. The diminutive Ms Bash, who is nothing more than a shameless shill for the DNC, reading their handouts as if dutifully reciting codified glossolalia.

Ms Dash, who for some not-so-strange reason retains the name of her first husband, whom she divorced more than a decade ago, after which she married and divorced a second husband while still retaining the first husband’s name (hint as to why: her first husband is a notoriously corrupt – and undoubtedly mutual useful -- CIA operative) gave Ms Harris an embarrassingly flagrant tongue bath. 

As expected – and likely pre-arranged by Kamala’s handlers – Bash lobbed nothing but softballs. Each question was carefully calculated – and, again, pre-determined with Kamala’s handlers – so as not to probe too deeply into Ms Harris’s exceedingly shallow cranial cavity. And no questions were allowed that would force Ms Harris to admit that she had helped mindless Joe Biden orchestrate the most disastrous administration since Jimmy Carter spent his time scheduling the White House tennis courts while the world burned (true fact). 

But, Ms Bash went even further than merely refraining from asking Kamala any embarrassing (i.e. legitimate) questions. Having clearly been informed that Kamala Harris is not capable of thinking for herself, doting Dana actually framed her queries in a manner that cued Kamala as to how she should respond. 

To wit, here is Dana’s question as to Kamala’s constant flip-flopping – and notice in the question the prompt for the answer: 

“Generally speaking, how should voters look at some of the changes you've made that you explain in your policy? Is it because you have more experience and have learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary? And should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now will be your policy moving forward?”

Kamala paused long enough to remember that her handlers had told her: “Just repeat Dana’s question as if it your own explanation.” And she then regurgitated her spiel, sounding all the while like a third grader reciting her catechism: “I before e, except after c” and “When two vowels go walking, the first does the talking.” Good work, Kamala. 

But, it wasn’t good work, was it? It was an exposition of a woman who is thoroughly unprepared, inexperienced, and woefully inept. She no more belongs in the Oval Office than she did at the drive by window or in the VP digs in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Her contrived, convoluted, and pathetic performance in the Bash CNN non-interview proved conclusively (once again) that DEI, pigmentation, genitalia and buccal cavity dexterity do not a president make. 

Bottom Line: Right now, some six weeks into the presidential campaign, Kamala Harris is going nowhere on her own. Trump is picking up steam, gaining traction, and is on course to get his 80 million winning votes. Now, we wait to see if the lickspittle media apotheosis of this empty pantsuit and Democrat vote stealing can cover the spread despite Kamala Harris’s inane nihility. 

The race is on!

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