New York City Is Looking To Ban Chocolate Milk From Schools

CBS New York reported Monday that the state’s Department of Education is considering a ban on the chocolatey drink because of the high sugar content. The outlet reported that the city considered such a ban back in 2006 after it banned whole milk.

“Chocolate milk has about 10 grams more sugar than regular milk and children should limit their sugar intake to about 25 grams,” nutritionist Reyna Franco told the outlet.

Childhood obesity is an actual epidemic in the country, but bans and taxes on food and drinks that kids like, such as sodas and juice, haven’t helped. Kids aren’t getting enough exercise at home or at school.

“The lunches have improved incredibly,” mother Lori Horsely told the outlet. “I don’t think chocolate milk is going to make or break the kids’ eating. I think they should leave it alone, let them have something."
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