Kamala's Antisemitism

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot.

You are an exclusive member of the Constitutional Rights PAC Inner Circle. 

That means you need to know more than most…

Because you have far more influence than most.

Which is why your Constitutional Rights PAC Home Team searches far and wide to find the inside scoop on what is really happening – at home and abroad -- 

And then brings you the often elusive news and commentary the leftwing mainstream media monolith either simply fails to cover… 

Or, all too often – in fact, almost invariably – deliberately covers up. 

Such is the case with the riveting, revealing Pulse of Israel video below that your Home Team discovered in a relatively obscure publication called Israel Unwired.

Neither one of those Alternative Media outlets is ever likely to surpass the network news or the “Papers of Record” in viewership or circulation…

But, as you will see in the video above – 

In which they tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the villainous Kamal Harris’s hatred of Israel and outright anti-Semitism…

Both the Pulse and Unwired already surpass both the networks and the POR in honesty and integrity.

Here, then, is an inside look at the virulent anti-Semite –

And inveterate liar – now running for President of the United States.

Kamala Said What about Israel? by Avi Abelow is licensed under
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