Carrying The Keystone State

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Inner Circle Member,

There is a very good reason why both President Trump and Kamala Harris are spending what to some may seem like an inordinate amount of time in Pennsylvania:

To wit: It is very likely that as Pennsylvania goes, so goes the nation.

It in short: The Keystone State is the key to victory.

In sum: With 19 electoral votes – the sixth highest in the nation -- it will likely determine which candidate reaches the magic 270 number. 

So, who is ahead at this point?

Let’s take a quick look at the analysis provided by Selena Zito on a recent episode of Hugh Hewitt’s eponymous podcast:

So, Ms Zito, for whom yours truly has tremendous respect, places the state as a toss-up at this point, leaning towards Trump. 

And she cites the massive Trump rally crowds as proof positive that he has the Enthusiasm Edge.

All of which I wholeheartedly agree with – except for this caveat for Inner Circle Insiders only:

Both factors were true of the presidential race in 2020 as well. 

After all, who could forget Trump’s 2020 Pennsylvania rallies, where 40,000 to 50,000 wild-eyed supporters turned out time after time – 

As opposed to a “rally” staged by both Biden and Obama in the very heart of downtown Philly that failed to pull more than 15 to 20 zombie-like attendees?

And yet, come Election Day, Trump lost by 1.17%, by 80,555 votes. 

How could this have happened? 

How could a somnolent shadow of a man who couldn’t fill a phone booth defeat to a walking, talking dynamo who could rally tens of thousands of enthusiastic fanatics at the drop of hat? 

Well, my Inner Circle Insider friends, perhaps it was best summed up by Commissar Joseph Stalin himself, an election diabolist if ever there was one, who famously said:

“It’s not the votes that count – it’s who counts the votes.”

In Pennsylvania, it was Governor Tommie the Commie Wolf who counted the votes – a full three days after they were supposedly cast. 

He had already countermanded the state’s election laws by stipulating that absentee ballots would not require signature verification. 

And then somehow – surprise, surprise – Trump’s massive Election Day lead among in-person voters was suddenly wiped out…

And Po’ Show Joe miraculously carried the notoriously Red state. 

This time, expect the cheating to be even worse – 

As Gov. Joshua David “Shady” Shapiro has already laid the groundwork for massive voter fraud by handing drivers license IDs to the state’s reported 330,000 illegal aliens predominantly in Democratic strongholds Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and York. 

So, let’s sum it up, shall we?

Trump likely won Pennsylvania by about three percent in 2020.

Which was totally wiped out by Tommie the Commie’s late absentee ballot counting. 

In 2024, Trump will need to win by a minimum of five percent – because Shady Shapiro has stacked the deck even higher with his built-in illegal alien voter fraud. 

So, can the MAGA Magician somehow still pull a victorious rabbit out of the Quaker State hat?

In what may come as a surprise to most TV talking head political pundits, I will tell you – and you alone as a Constitutional Rights PAC Inner Circle Insider -- that:

It all depends on the evangelical Christian vote. 

According to a Pew Research Center study, 73% of adults in Pennsylvania identify as Christian. That as opposed to nearly ten percent less nationwide. In fact, even in the Philadelphia metro area, more than two-thirds of adults identify as Believers.

And remember, Pennsylvania was one of the last states in the nation to repeal Blue Laws; it didn’t do so until 1978.

Bottom Line:

If Pennsylvania’s evangelical Christians are sufficiently repulsed by the near satanic dictates of the Democrat platform and its candidates (the slaughter of babies even after birth and the vivisection of young children) that they turn out en masse…

Trump will garner the five percent margin he needs carry the Keystone State. 

Just do the math. 

The question is whether the Republican Party has gotten that message…

And to date, alas, there is no indication they have. 

Now, as an exclusive Inner Circle Insider, you know the story in full.

Stay strong.

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