Brexit is, at bottom, about self-rule

Amid the shambolic fracas in the British government and Parliament over how and when Brexit should take place, it’s important to step back and remember the why.

The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union is not ultimately about trade or regulations. It's about something more fundamental: the natural right of people to form and control their government. At its core, Brexit is about democracy and self-rule. Britons wanted their government, parliament, and courts to once again be the final authorities in the land.

The flow of power out of Britain and into Brussels isn’t some theoretical concern. The way the European Union has worked has imposed on British law, laws passed in Brussels by European parliamentarians. The Germans and the Italians, in effect, can tell the Brits what their law is, even over the objections of the Brits. So much for the consent of the governed.

The European Court of Justice is a perfect example of this corruption. In the landmark case of Marleasing SA v. La Commercial, for example, the ECJ ruled that national courts must interpret national laws in a way that fits them to European directives.

Put another way, a national court must stretch its own parliament's will in order to serve the European Union's will.
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