The problem with Joe

As Joe Biden begins his third run for president, he is taking a tour to apologize for all the wrong things.

He was right in 1991 not to be taken in by Anita Hill’s story; he was right to not have supported what school busing became; he was right to support the crime bill in the 90’s when it was needed; he was right to support the Iraq War in 2002 and thereafter, as it was the most reasonable course given events at the time.

Perhaps everyone involved should have apologized for what became of the Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas hearings that stunned and mesmerized the entire country in October 1991. But let us remember that nothing like this had ever happened before. No one knew how to behave.

During the hearings that Biden chaired, nothing was proved. The only corroborating evidence given was from character witnesses, and that all of those questioned spoke up for their friends.

Biden is wrong now to say that he knows Hill was right. The fact is, no one knows anything. He is merely pandering to the feminist caucus that holds the party of Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, and Kennedy in the palm of its soft little hands.
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