Beating China: The New Cold War

Far too often, pundits and politicians alike make the case that America should avoid another cold war, this time with China.  There is a problem with this argument. America doesn’t get to choose whether or not to start another cold war.  Just as it was not America that initiated a coup in Czechoslovakia in 1948 and it was not America that brutally put down a rebellion in Hungary in 1956, it is not America that is stealing intellectual property and obstructing international waters in 2019.  China chose to start this cold war; we are already in the middle of it.  America doesn’t get a say unless it wants to lie down and lose.  It isn’t the same type of cold war, and each side has different objectives, but it is contentious no less.

If America wants to win the Second Cold War, it has to do several broad things, but for one it has first to acknowledge that it is already ongoing.  The Trump administration took an excellent first step.  The administration’s national security strategy admits that we are moving back into a period of great power competition and seeks to develop a plan to succeed in that environment.  China is run by an expansionist totalitarian regime that aims, for the first time, to extend its influence to shift the global balance of power and international order into its favor and away from the West’s.  America has to again come to the understanding that the world is competitive and to remain the global superpower; it will have to face challengers.  There are many countries that would love to challenge America; China happens to be the one that has the best chance. 

The western structure of the international order which America has led has created an incredible global economy that has pulled endless numbers of people and even entire nations out of poverty.  For instance, Poland in 1990 had a GDP per capita of $5,509 (World Bank, constant 2010 US$), in 2017 it had a GDP per capita of $15,822.  That's an increase of nearly 300%.  A similar pattern repeats within other former communist or authoritarian states.  According to the World Bank, in 1990 36% of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty, 25 years later less than 10% do.  The West’s emphasis on economic liberalization is working.

Amongst all this, the United States has prospered too, as the international order since WWII has been structured to its benefit.  U.S. GDP per capita has increased by over 300% from $17,550 (World Bank, constant 2010 US$) in 1960 to $53,128 in 2017.  For this progress to happen, a massive security umbrella was needed.  Following WWII, the United States created that structure and has kept international markets open and shipping lanes protected.  In recent years, however, amongst political strain in the United States, that umbrella has begun to show cracks. 
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